
  • Mohamad Zaki Bin Mustafa - 2016-03-10 23:55:40
    Taniah keatas penyempurnaan Hari Terbuka Makmal Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal, pihak Persatuan Biogas Malaysia ( BGAM ) ingin merakam ribuan terima kasih atas jemputan bagi wakil kami untuk menghadiri Hari Terbuka MakmalPengurusan Sisa Pepejal, Pihak kami ingin mengadakan dialog bersama JPSPN untuk berbincang penggunaan Technologi Anaerobic yang boleh menukar Sisa Pepejal jenis Organik kepada Biogas yang boleh digunakan untuk Jana Kuasa Letrik. Syarikat ahli kami SP MULTITECH CORPORATION BERHAD telah memperkenalkan kepada pihak JPSPN konsep ZERO WASTE PARK ( Taman Sisa Sifar ) yang menggunakan berbagai Teknologi bagi menyelesaikan rawatan pelbagai Sisa pepejal dengan sempurna, kami ingin meminta kerjasama dari pihak JPSPN supaya dapat menyempurnakan satu ZERO WASTE PARK ( ZWP ) untuk manunjukan keberkesanan system ZWP untuk merawat Sisa Pepejal kita yang mempunyai banyak kandungan bahan organic dan juga kandungan Air.
  • Guest - 2016-03-29 10:47:42
    Di dalam proses menjalankan kajian mengenai Governance in Malaysian Urban Solid Waste Management. Berharap dapat menyumbang pandangan dan dapatan kajian dengan pihak jabatan pada masa hadapan. Sekian, Terima Kasih.
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  • Guest - 2016-03-30 11:50:41
    We do not accept renewable energy resources from Municipal Solid Waste. The argument that burning or incinerating waste can be used to recover energy makes for good sales promotion, but the reality is that if saving energy is the goal, then more energy can be saved as a whole by reusing objects and recycling materials than can be recovered by burning them. Unfortunately, this argument is often lost because of the focus on energy gained locally and ignoring the net loss nationally or globally. A combination of recycling and composting saves three to four times more energy than generated by an incinerator producing electricity. We need to seriously look into composting of agriculture waste. Need to create a network of materials exchanges to enable industry/commercial/households to feed off each other?s waste products. One mechanism is an electronic system for the country.
  • Guest - 2016-03-30 11:52:57
    Design Waste Out of the System: Need to reduce waste at all points along the supply chain and at design principle level. The best way to eliminate waste is to design it out from the beginning. We need to create an environment whereby anyone designing a product will first think about the need for that product, and second, how to ensure that no waste is created in its production, use and final return to the human economy or nature. Ban on imports of waste for recovery or treatment in Malaysia. Mandatory Corporate Environmental Reporting: Ensure that all businesses produce waste plans and report on their progress towards achieving targets. Ensure that same criteria are applied to imported goods and locally manufactured goods in terms of recyclability, labelling etc. De-construction Standards: Create guidelines and standards for deconstruction, renovation or demolition of buildings to ensure maximum capture of reusable materials. Deposit Refund Schemes should be made mandatory for the recycling of food and beverage containers. It also creates meaningful income and employment opportunities. Implement Advance Disposal Fee to add a modest up-front fee to the cost of electronic and electrical appliances, furniture and vehicles which is redeemed at the end of their lives to help cover recovery, dismantling or recycling. Packaging Levy: Establish a minimum packaging levy on all non-biodegradable and non-reusable packaging.
  • Mohamad Zaki Bin Mustafa - 2016-05-06 16:35:50
    "Maklum balas zaki"