Feedback findings of the Solid Waste Management Laboratory

Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara, Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan telah mengadakan Hari Terbuka Makmal Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal (Lab Open Day) pada 25 Februari 2016 di Cititel MidValley, Kuala Lumpur. Hari terbuka ini adalah lanjutan daripada Makmal Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal yang telah diadakan pada 27 Mei sehingga 17 Jun 2015. Ia diadakan bertujuan membentangkan dan mendapatkan maklum balas daripada pelbagai pihak berkepentingan berhubung dapatan makmal mengenai inisiatif-inisiatif berkaitan pengurusan sisa pepejal dan pembersihan awam. Sehubungan itu, Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara amat mengalu-alukan maklum balas daripada pihak berkepentingan serta orang ramai bagi menambahbaik pengurusan sisa pepejal dan pembersihan awam di Malaysia. Terima kasih.


  • Mohamad Zaki Bin Mustafa - 2016-03-10 23:55:40
    Taniah keatas penyempurnaan Hari Terbuka Makmal Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal, pihak Persatuan Biogas Malaysia ( BGAM ) ingin merakam ribuan terima kasih atas jemputan bagi wakil kami untuk menghadiri Hari Terbuka MakmalPengurusan Sisa Pepejal, Pihak kami ingin mengadakan dialog bersama JPSPN untuk berbincang penggunaan Technologi Anaerobic yang boleh menukar Sisa Pepejal jenis Organik kepada Biogas yang boleh digunakan untuk Jana Kuasa Letrik. Syarikat ahli kami SP MULTITECH CORPORATION BERHAD telah memperkenalkan kepada pihak JPSPN konsep ZERO WASTE PARK ( Taman Sisa Sifar ) yang menggunakan berbagai Teknologi bagi menyelesaikan rawatan pelbagai Sisa pepejal dengan sempurna, kami ingin meminta kerjasama dari pihak JPSPN supaya dapat menyempurnakan satu ZERO WASTE PARK ( ZWP ) untuk manunjukan keberkesanan system ZWP untuk merawat Sisa Pepejal kita yang mempunyai banyak kandungan bahan organic dan juga kandungan Air.
  • Guest - 2016-03-29 10:47:42
    Di dalam proses menjalankan kajian mengenai Governance in Malaysian Urban Solid Waste Management. Berharap dapat menyumbang pandangan dan dapatan kajian dengan pihak jabatan pada masa hadapan. Sekian, Terima Kasih.
  • Guest - 2016-03-30 11:47:14
    In terms of key initiatives ? Thrust 1 (3) must look into composting of organic waste such as kitchen and garden/farm waste. Another matter of concern is minimisation and eventual elimination of food waste. Need to move away from using disposable items such as disposable diapers, utensils, cutleries, plastic bottles, or single-use plastic bags. Material substitution programme to move away from hazardous products can be initiated. Must enact laws to use as little packaging as possible and develop innovative ways to give waste (resources) a second lease of life. Initiative Factsheet ? Implement separation at source: Need to include composting at source wherever possible of separate collection of compostable waste. Initiative Factsheet ? new mechanisms to encourage recycling: There is a dearth of glass recycling factories in the Northern region. Recyclable waste collectors are reluctant or do not accept glass bottles separated by households. Hence there is a need for more glass recycling centres covering the whole of Malaysia and incentives given. Initiative Factsheet ? Establish smart partnerships with NGOs, private sector, academic institutions and communities: Community Based Organisations and related NGOs should be encouraged to work with local authority partners, creating sustainable employment opportunities. They can be contracted to educate and promote local waste reduction, composting and recycling schemes. They need to work closely with recycling companies to exploit niches that will open up as recycling is increasingly seen as a resource for job and business creation. Training and Research: Support the establishment of an institute to train and certify Zero Waste advisors, design and trial new technologies, and research new materials and processes. National School Education Programme: Develop resources for schools that integrate into the national waste elimination campaign. Zero Waste Advisors: Encourage the establishment of a network of Zero Waste advisors to assist local authorities, businesses and community groups with their projects.
  • Guest - 2016-03-30 11:49:29
    Snapshot summary of waste facilities: Refrain from using terms such as integrated facilities (which actually may include incineration, waste-to-energy plants), waste treatment technology and renewable energy as these terms could be misleading. If these terms are being used in the document then there needs to be a glossary. The Consumers? Association of Penang is against incineration and should eventually divert waste from landfills too. We need to implement Extended Operator Liability to ensure operators are responsible for long term environmental effects of waste disposal facilities such as landfills and existing incinerators. New incinerator proposals should not be allowed. The pollutants incinerators emit include toxic metals, dioxins, and dioxin-related compounds. These compounds can interfere with sexual and mental development in humans, and the immune system. Some of these highly persistent or permanent toxins emerge in the form of nanoparticles. Of all the high-temperature combustion sources, the nanoparticles from trash incineration are the most worrying because they are the most toxic. There are very serious health concerns with nanoparticles. The key concern is that these very tiny particles can easily cross cell membranes. Thus the normal defence mechanisms preventing particle entry to tissues do not prevail with nanoparticles. Nanoparticles can get into the bloodstream. They can then travel to every tissue in the body and enter these as well. They can even cross the blood-brain barrier. Our Recommendation: Incinerator bans: Impose ban on the construction of any new waste disposal technologies such as thermal treatment plants, Waste to Energy and incineration plants. Resource Recovery Infrastructure: Ensure that every wasting opportunity at home, workplace, in the street, public places or in the factory is matched by, or replaced with a resource recovery opportunity. Make resource recovery visible, accessible, and more convenient than other waste disposal options. Resource Recovery Parks: Establish Resource Recovery Parks at every transfer station or existing landfills where repair, reuse and recycling businesses collaborate to extend the life of products and reintegrate them into society or safely into the environment. Facility Standards/Permits: Create standards for resource recovery and recycling facilities that would be part of specifications for tenders and would also give the public confidence to use these facilities. Stockpile Resources: Ensure that every landfill or transfer station has sufficient storage space available to stockpile resources until buyers are found. Landfill Fees: Use real cost accounting to increase landfill fees to realistic levels. Introduce a standard minimum national landfill fee. Landfill Bans: Ban landfilling of household hazardous waste, food waste, garden waste, bulky material, construction and demolition waste, institution/commercial/industrial waste. Materials for which markets exist or could realistically exist in the future should
  • Guest - 2016-03-30 11:50:41
    We do not accept renewable energy resources from Municipal Solid Waste. The argument that burning or incinerating waste can be used to recover energy makes for good sales promotion, but the reality is that if saving energy is the goal, then more energy can be saved as a whole by reusing objects and recycling materials than can be recovered by burning them. Unfortunately, this argument is often lost because of the focus on energy gained locally and ignoring the net loss nationally or globally. A combination of recycling and composting saves three to four times more energy than generated by an incinerator producing electricity. We need to seriously look into composting of agriculture waste. Need to create a network of materials exchanges to enable industry/commercial/households to feed off each other?s waste products. One mechanism is an electronic system for the country.
  • Guest - 2016-03-30 11:52:57
    Design Waste Out of the System: Need to reduce waste at all points along the supply chain and at design principle level. The best way to eliminate waste is to design it out from the beginning. We need to create an environment whereby anyone designing a product will first think about the need for that product, and second, how to ensure that no waste is created in its production, use and final return to the human economy or nature. Ban on imports of waste for recovery or treatment in Malaysia. Mandatory Corporate Environmental Reporting: Ensure that all businesses produce waste plans and report on their progress towards achieving targets. Ensure that same criteria are applied to imported goods and locally manufactured goods in terms of recyclability, labelling etc. De-construction Standards: Create guidelines and standards for deconstruction, renovation or demolition of buildings to ensure maximum capture of reusable materials. Deposit Refund Schemes should be made mandatory for the recycling of food and beverage containers. It also creates meaningful income and employment opportunities. Implement Advance Disposal Fee to add a modest up-front fee to the cost of electronic and electrical appliances, furniture and vehicles which is redeemed at the end of their lives to help cover recovery, dismantling or recycling. Packaging Levy: Establish a minimum packaging levy on all non-biodegradable and non-reusable packaging.
  • Mohamad Zaki Bin Mustafa - 2016-05-06 16:35:50
    "Maklum balas zaki"